
Showing posts from June, 2020

My Mom

As I write this I’m sitting with a 1/2 gallon tub of Blue Bell Ice-cream, Moo-llennium Crunch, yum! It’s so good. I think my love for ice-cream is genetic. I remember as a kid my mom eating lots of ice-cream. The best was when the Schwan’s man came and delivered Chocolate Malt. It was smoothe, creamy and melted so nicely, something I didn’t fully appreciate until now where at the age of 33 I have now tried my fair share of ice-cream and mom was right, Schwan chocolate malt was the best. My mom doesn’t indulge herself in personal pleasures, ice-cream is one of the few, rather she’s always spending her mental and physical energy helping those around her. There is never a shortage of people in need.  Sometimes I hated how much she helped other people, I wanted her attention, but I’m also proud of her service. Everything she has done for others has also given her valuable life experience in which she is now able to offer me profound wisdom because of her diverse expierence helping others.

Loving what is- lies and pain

I'm reading "Loving What Is" by Byron  Katie she is talking to a lady who feels rejected by her son through the 4 questions.  1. Is it true? Can I absolutely know that it's true? How do I react when I think that thought?  Who would I be without this thought? And then...Turn it around And she says to the women- "Pain is the signal that you're confused, that you're in a lie."  🤯 Taking your thoughts through the 4 questions gives you clarity to help you see reality. You can go inside and attack what others say or think about you and keep your lack of awareness, or you can go inside and search for a new truth that will set you free. (Pg.42) 

My Dad- Drew Hyer

Tonight’s creative writing I’m dedicating to my dad, Drew Lynn Hyer. I don’t think I have written down any stories about my dad and that’s a shame, he’s a great guy. This year he and my mother are missionaries in New Zealand. I’ve slacked in the gift giving department so I hope to make up for that. The thing is that I don’t think they’ll judge me and I know they’ll still love me, even if I don’t do anything but call on the special days. I always mean to do more, I always want to do more but I never make it a priority to make it happen. Well not today! I have laundry to fold and dishes to do and packing to be done before our trip to Denver in a couple of days, but this MUST be done first. So about my dad.... Dad, I hope you enjoy these stories. I’m not sure what I’m going to write about just yet but I’m a little worried that you’ll judge my memories, like “That’s what she remembers?” Or “my favorite memory is... doesn’t she remember that?” Honestly There are a LOT of memories I don’t/ca

Business thoughts download

writings Kellys!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! Oh my goodness. Thank you. Sincerly, truely and with all my soul, thank you! This is just so thoughtful and amazing!  Different course ideas- Self- Coaching course that will lead into a membership for deeper tools, support, community and continued learning.  Other courses- Friendship Marriage Parenting Self-confidence Organizing your home and brain I’m so excited to get going on this adventure. To teach others all of these skills that I know will help them. I’ve been thinking though... that maybe just a course isn’t good enough. A course would just wet their appetite and give the basics. To truly do this work you have to put in work and you need to be fostered and facilitated in it. So really what would be most beneficial to the people who I teach would be a membership.  What are my reasons for NOT doing a membership? 1. Fears 2. Limiting beliefs 3. I’m not good enough 4. Someone else is doing it well (jody moore) 5. I’m not ce