Business thoughts download


Kellys!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! Oh my goodness. Thank you. Sincerly, truely and with all my soul, thank you! This is just so thoughtful and amazing! 

Different course ideas-

Self- Coaching course that will lead into a membership for deeper tools, support, community and continued learning. 

Other courses-
Organizing your home and brain

I’m so excited to get going on this adventure. To teach others all of these skills that I know will help them. I’ve been thinking though... that maybe just a course isn’t good enough. A course would just wet their appetite and give the basics. To truly do this work you have to put in work and you need to be fostered and facilitated in it. So really what would be most beneficial to the people who I teach would be a membership. 

What are my reasons for NOT doing a membership?
1. Fears
2. Limiting beliefs
3. I’m not good enough
4. Someone else is doing it well (jody moore)
5. I’m not certified in anything
6. Who am i to think I bring enough value to have a membership, who do you think you are?!

Well...THOSE ARE ALL TERRIBLE REASONS! I don’t like any of those reasons. I DO have something to offer. I do know a lot. I study this a lot. I LOVE teaching this, A LOT! I know from personal experience how transformative this can be in persons life... IT MIGHT EVEN SAVE SOMEONE’S LIFE. So why not me? Why not have a membership.....
New fears and reasons-
1. No one will join 
2. There won’t be enough people who join to bring value to the community
3. More work for me, can I commit?
4. Will I have the time to continue to foster a group?
5. Website- eek! Always a big roadblock for me, I want it to be good, beautiful and easy to navigate or not have one at all. That would be expensive to build, time to learn about maintaining and updating and paying for a host all of it- EEK! 

These ones really are valid fears. One’s I will have to do some pondering on. 

Reasons why I should have a membership-
1. I can help people on a deeper level. Really help my community to understand and apply this to their lives to see true and lasting change. Coaching needs to be a practice not an event
2. Reliable income
3. Make a greater impact

The most important thing right now are the 4 littles I have. So my worry is that I can’t be the mom I want to be and have a membership. That If i build a community it will take time and energy away from them. 

If I could here’s how it would be. I would have someone else who helped with cooking/cleaning/laundry and I would just get to play with and parent my kids. Then when they’re in bed I’m free to work on my business. The day would be normal life that I could actually dedicate to them. 

I don’t have a business yet and I still don’t give them the time and attention that I want to. I’m too busy with discount shred callls, ALWAYS figuring out meals and snacks because they’re ALWAYS hungry, then cleaning up from that and from the messes they’re always making. Plus doing laundry and cleaning up clutter because my home is so cluttered. THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE. I have to have less so that I can have more. Less “things” so that I can have more peace, freedom and most of all TIME for what matters most to me. One day my kids won’t have time for me, today- and everyday- I want to have time for them, ALWAYS! 

Here are my goals
1. Create a course
2. Declutter for reals!!!
3. Build that membership boss lady because THEY NEED IT! 
        4,     Quality time with each of my kids

Maybe one day this will lead to financial freedom that will allow me to hire help for all of my chores. 


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