A great and marvelous work is about to come forth

I have so much to say. My fingers can only type so fast and my time is precious. I'm 33 and 1/2, it's cute for kids to say their half ages but at some point it becomes an unacceptable mention but I'm always aware of my half age. It helps me remember how old I really am and if I'm on the younger side of my year or older. I currently have 4 children ranging in ages from 7 years -6 months. I have several jobs... I work part-time answering phones and scheduling for my brother's shredding business, I'm a photographer, a full time cook, dishwasher, launder, housekeeper, nanny, privet transporter, teacher, groomer, entertainer, activities coordinator, personal shopper, political relations negotiator, travel agent, and well there's more but you get the picture. So for me to sit down at a computer for any amount of time is HUGE!! I've already been interrupted twice- and the kids are all in bed. But I want to creative. So I've decided that Tuesday and Thursday night I will create. I might edit pictures, work on a project, write, record a podcast or maybe even a video, but this time is for me, to fulfill a greater longing to put something more out into the world. Even if no one sees, hears, reads or knows of it's existence. The propose isn't to create something of amazing value or wonder but that as I create more my creations will create a better me. And I am of amazing value and the worlds greatest wonder. 

I have a lot of ideas and I hope to generate more ideas. I know that if I keep coming up with ideas one day the right idea will find me and I'll bring it to life. But I suspect I won't be ready for the idea if I'm not learning, growing and trying before the idea arrives. If I'm not ready the when the idea knocks on my door it will visit another. 

I really enjoy writing, talking and listening. In writing I release things I didn't know I had inside me. In talking I discover my inner most thoughts I didn't know were formed in my brain. I can't work through things in my head, I never even know what I'm going to say until it's already said. Sometimes I listen to myself speak the same as the person I'm speaking to is listening. Is that weird? I've always imagined that everyone else has a fully formed and perfect sentence in their brain and the repeat it out loud just as they planed it. That blows my mind. It's not even possible for me to have anything but an intent and even that can be a stretch sometimes. It's the same with writing, the words don't exist until they're leaving me. Then there is listening. Sometimes- not always but sometimes, when I'm truly listening, I hear with my whole self. It's like I get still and quiet in my soul. My body, mind and spirit simultaneously quiet and then I hear everything. I hear not just what is being said but everything that isn't spoken. I once had a friend comment that one needed to be careful with what they said around me because I didn't just hear but truly listened like no one else. It's an amazing experience every time it happens. 

Because of the way I communicate I don't know my opinion or thoughts on something until I've had time to talk it out, maybe even write it too. So often I enjoy the company of others who enjoy talking, I'll just listen. I only like to say something if it's on a subject I find interesting or I'm knowledgeable in. It needs to be the right crowd. I would love to be a public/motivational speaker. I often create speeches in my mind that I mean to write down. I'll think of wonderful stories and analogies to go alone with the principle. Sometimes I even come up with amazing pep talks that would be worthy of a viral TED talk, It's even better when I imagine the dramatic theme music playing with the quote. But for so many reasons they're rarely written down and the lines to my speech vanish just as quickly as they appeared. I hope to change that. Maybe I'm a writer and I just never knew it? What makes someone a writer? No one is a writer until they start writing. Well, I'm going to start writing. 

I think that the greatest impact you can make in a person's life is to liberate their mind. I thirst for knowledge. When I learn something new it's exciting and gives me life. Instantly I want to share it with anyone else who wants to learn. I'm passionate about thought work. I'm taking a class on investing. I join in natural health and wellness meetings. So far I find that these are the things that excite me right now but it's just the start. 


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